Digital System Design:
The digital system design is nothing but the embedded systems, which forms a part or many parts in a simple or complex system. The program can be a high level like C or C++ or any hardware language (HDL) like VHDL/or Verilog. However, the complexity of high level language restrains the use by many of designers; rather they prefer to use HDL languages. Hence, it is felt that the use of VHDL helps in the verification process in various stages to ensure the correctness of the stages before entering to the next.
A model of a digital circuit is an abstract by a modeling
language. Such a language is preferred here to VHDL/
Verilog. However, the object oriented language like C++ has
an extension to it, called System C, to be one such language,
which could be used for this purpose too.
Software Augmentation:
Although many authors has spelt out various design methods,
however, the recent methodology is the process of
augmentation of the application software into the hardware
(application circuit/device) itself. The application software
developed for any application devices is programmed & stored in a memory (slave Device) though the FPGA (target
device) on any Software Plat form like Xilinx. The FPGA has
been embedded into a Spartan6 Xilinx Platform. The memory
could be an on board SRAM, or any external SRAM, and the
display device could be a LCD/or SSD/or LEDs. This could
be done as described below:
The very initial step is to perform the study of requirements
and done the analysis for both hardware and software
essentialities & constraints. Then the hardware & software
constraints are resolved. Once the constrains are removed, the
hardware design is performed, in a concurrent mode. Then the
software is made ready.
The paper discussed here, has been chosen for the FPGA
on Spartan6 Xilinx platform. The HDL used here is VHDL.
The application software is programmed suitably. Last but not
the least, is the augmentation of software into the application
devices. Our co-authors have already selected various sensors
for their applications. Accordingly, the program has been
verified through the built in ISim software tools for the proper
timing and correctness of the design. This paper is a
collective effort of our engineers for their projects, in
realization of Modeling, Simulation & Implementation of
various communication protocols in our projects using VHDL
language and using appropriate hard -wares as required & at
KCTRONICS Innovative Services Private Limited,
Language (VHDL):
The language, VHDL has been divided into two constructs
such as Entity (ii) architecture. The entity is a pre defined
word and the architecture is a relationship between input &
outputs of the systems bound to the entity. This binding helps
in the visibility of the entity to the architecture. The system
can be designed with the use of VHDL language on the Xilinx
platform, FPGA being as the target device where the
application program can be stored for the purpose of
application devices.
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